Official Android Appication – Ver 2.0 Release date 12.07.2019

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The official Android App of High Court of Judicature at Allahabad has been redesigned and a new version has been released. This app is compatible with latest version of Android mobiles. The UI has been re-designed to ease user interaction. Many major changes have been incorporated in the Android App, namely rendering of information Bench wise and introduction of a new feature ‘My Diary’. Rendering of information has been automated Bench wise and UI has been incorporated with option of Bench selection. By default, Principal Bench of Allahabad is selected.

The features and information available through the app are as follows:-
1. Case Status
Search cases using various details and view their status using this option at both Allahabad and Lucknow. User can also save the case to the “My Diary” using this option.
2. Cause List
Using this option user can view Daily Cause Lists, Fresh Lists, Additional Cause Lists, Backlog Fresh Cases Lists, Supplementary Fresh Lists and Application List to be taken up in the Hon’ble Court, date-wise and Court wise at Allahabad and Lucknow.
3. Display Board
Using this option user can view the current cases being taken up in various Courts at Allahabad and Lucknow.
4. Judgments/Orders
This option can be used to view and download Judgments/Orders passed at Allahabad and Lucknow.
5. My Diary
The new feature ‘My Diary’ has been introduced first time in this release. It is a personalized page displaying list of cases added by a user. The basic purpose of this feature is to enable the user to have a list of cases whose status may be easily tracked without having a tedious monotonous process of checking status of cases one by one. One tap on any case from the My Diary will automatically display the full status of the case. A brief procedure of using the My Diary system is as follows: 6. Notification
This option can be used to view the latest notifications under the categories – Roster/Constitution of Benches; Notification/Order relating to transfer and appointments; Notification/Order other than Transfer/Appointments/for appearance in the Court and Recruitments.
7. Judges
This option can be used to view the profile of Hon’ble Judges of the Court.
8. Folio Status
This option can be used to view the Computerized Copying folio application status for obtaining authenticated copies of Judgments/Orders.

Guidelines for installing the Application